I Can't Do MathI know very intelligent people who for whatever reason believe that they just can’t do math.  While there may be some people who have suffered a brain injury of some sort where that part of the brain is damaged, for normal people, the brain is quite capable of learning and doing even complex math.

Brain researchers have discovered a section of the brain that is wired specifically for math. Studies show that part is activated when a person concentrates on math problems much like the speech center reacts when speaking or reading. See the references at the end.

So why is it that many people believe they cannot do math? I think it is partially due to mental laziness because learning math takes time and effort. Like learning to do any complex task, doing math requires practice and focus. Another reason people believe that they cannot do math is because they have been told by others (parents, teachers, friends) that mastering math is only for “special math people”, who have the talent of math. You have probably heard people remark that they can’t do math because they are not a math person, perpetuating the myth even further.

Another reason some don’t want to believe that they can do math is because they think that those who do math well are socially inept nerds. The stigma of being a smart person (in math, science or any other academic subject) is promoted in the media and is “uncool” among middle school and high school students. How many of us remember such a character in TV and or movies? That is a stereotype that needs to be demolished. I believe it is part of the belief that if you work hard to excel that you will miss out of fun that you would otherwise have. I have discovered a wise saying from a friend, “If you take the easy way out of life, life gets harder, if you take the hard way out, life gets easier”.. That’s why I take exception to the phrase “take it easy”.

Resist the temptation to excuse yourself from learning math. You are born with the ability, all you have to do is develop it. While you may not eventually do higher math in your vocation, studies have shown that exercising the math part of your brain strengthens the decision making part of your brain (prefrontal cortex) which will help you in mature relationships and the wise decisions you have to make.

References: About being bad at math:





Brain on math:




Innumeracy – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innumeracy_(book)