Mathematics IS Truth

When I first came to college, I went through an emotional culture shock. I had no idea what kind of box we were all in throughout high school, but once I took the next step toward supporting myself in the adult world, I see now that it’s a scary thing breaking away from the habit of high school. Ordered. Structured. Dates were set for you; your whole schedule seemed all planned out. Of course, personal success depended on each and every student outside of the classroom, but you were surrounded by support: teachers, other students, the atmosphere of it all.

College has the same feel, don’t get me wrong. But you are not in school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week anymore, from someone else’s design anyway. You are setting your own schedule, creating your own support groups and may even have time in between classes to do with how ever you please. Those who are diligent will continue that “all day at school” mentality in order to keep up with your own studies. Success can look like many things, sometimes it can just be encouragement from a friend to continue pushing through the hard studies. This is supposed to be a team effort.

The acceptance of change in one’s own life can seem like being on the tallest hill and down below you oversee the obstacles that lay ahead, as dangerous as they may appear. Sometimes you are on that hill and all you see when you look down is fog. Unknowing to all that is ahead of you. But you know in your heart it’s time to keep going. For something. Chest out. Head high. One foot at a time, till you’re on your path of finding your own truth. Spoiler alert: Mathematics IS Truth.

round math truthMathematics uses proof and logic in order to state the truths about our universe. The use of a proof is simply a description of why something is true and uses all possibilities to obtain these proofs. 

But we have a slight advantage: there was a curious spark, an omnipotent insight that pops in when truth is all around. It feels good. And if you pay attention, the world seems to flow in harmony.

So, if you ever find yourself on top of that tallest hill, delve into mathematics. There’s a branch for everyone’s interests and you might find that creative brainwave needed to take your first step. Every student, thus every human, has an influence within the world in which we live. Influenced by movement. Not necessarily which choices to take next, but the act of choosing as they come. This is a fast existence. Darwin should have called his studies: Survival of the Adaptive.