Take Note

Take Note

Take NoteRemember being in class and the teacher warns, “This will all be on the test.”? Suddenly there’s a mad scramble for paper and pen, and you begin to frantically piece together what the professor just taught. Many of us have been there. Many still wait for some signal to take out their paper, but good students prepare for note-taking, write down key concepts, and review their notes right away.

Often a teacher will assign reading before a class so that the students are ready to discuss the concepts during the presentation. Taking the time to read the prep work in advance will give you an overview of what is being taught and help to direct your note-taking. You will be more prepared to understand principles and to ask good questions. A little time in advance will save time later.

There’s a difference between transcribing what the teacher is saying and actually taking notes. It isn’t necessary to get everything down in written form. In fact, trying to get each sentence may distract you from understanding what’s being taught in the first place. Remember that notes are an abbreviated version of the concepts. Consider organizing your notes into sections, with a place for questions and a place for a summary. Cornell note-taking suggests 3 sections: one down the left side of the page for cue words, main ideas, or questions; a main section for general information, diagrams, dates, key information, and formulas, with space at the bottom for a summary of your notes. Remember to date the page and provide page numbers to keep your notes in order.

After class, take some time to look over your notes and create a summary, identifying and defining abbreviations and acronyms. Giving it one more look before you move on to something different may give you the pause you need to correct something, make that handwriting legible, or add more information for a better grasp of the subject matter.

Some debate the virtues of taking notes directly to the laptop, with its efficient speed and navigation versus putting pen to paper. Many find that notifications from social sites and email are distractions or temptations to lose focus, while others can type much faster than they write. Whether you go for the modern approach or are comfortable with your low-tech, tried and true written page, keeping top-notch notes makes for sage scholars.

How do You Eat an Elephant?

How do you eat an elephant?The old adage asks, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Here are some great ideas for making all those things you need to get done a lot more achievable.

Many thanks to author Maria Gracia for the basics of the list.

  1. GOALS– set realistic goals at the beginning of the school year (also semester, week, day, study period, etc). Write them down and keep them visible.
  2. AVOID THE RUSH– My dad always figures in “oops time” to every plan. If he thinks something will take 30 minutes, he’ll budget 45 minutes, in case something comes up unexpectedly. The same applies to time spent on homework and school projects. Plan for the unexpected.
  3. AVOID CLUTTER– At the beginning of the school year, there is no clutter yet. Don’t let it build up. Create separate folders for classes,for things that need to be signed,for tests and papers that have already been graded, etc. As things become outdated, move them to a separate file immediately. Avoid the paper build-up.
  4. MAKE TO-DO LISTS– Whether it’s a list of things to grab from your locker before you leave school, a list of what homework needs to be done that day, or a list of questions to ask your teacher about your math, lists help you to know exactly what you are doing and what’s still to do.
  5. EFFECTIVE STUDY AREA– Designate an area that is quiet and well-lit to do your schoolwork. If you can’t find a quiet place at home, go to the library. Study sitting at a table or desk, since getting too comfortable in a chair or on the bed may make you drowsy.
  6. AVOID OVERLOAD– While extra-curricular activities are a fun part of growing up, taking on too much may mean not having time to get everything done.
  7. USE A PLANNER OR CALENDAR– Write it down. Make sure that everything you need to do is on one calendar instead of separate social, school, and sports calendars to avoid the risk of scheduling conflicts and missed appointments. You may consider color-coding events such as marking all the tests in yellow, all the projects in blue and so forth.
  8. BREAK IT UP– Break up big assignments into smaller pieces that are more manageable. If you have 3 chapters to study, study one each day for 3 days instead of trying to do everything at once.
  9. EAT YOUR BROCCOLI FIRST– Eating your vegetables before dessert gives you something to look forward to. Likewise, doing the hard stuff first makes the rest of the work feel easier.