Cool Thing About Pythagorean Triplets
There is a cool property of all odd numbers except one, they can all form Pythagorean triplets. A Pythagorean triplet is any set of positive integers a, b, and c that satisfy the equation a2 + b2 = c2. For example, a= 3, b= 4, and c= 5 is a Pythagorean triplet because 32 + 42 = 52. If a is any odd number except 1, it can make a Pythagorean Triplet of the form a= a, b= (a2 – 1)/2, and c= (a2 – 1)/2 + 1, or b + 1. You can prove this by substituting b and c with b= (a2 – 1)/2 and c= (a2 – 1)/2 + 1 in the equation a2 + b2 = c2. “a” cannot be even for this case because if a were even, (a2 -1)/2 would not be a whole number, and a cannot be one, because then, b would be zero. For all other odd numbers, this would work, and Pythagorean Triplets of this form include…
a= 5, b= 12, c= 13
a= 7, b= 24, c= 25
a= 9, b= 40, c= 41